Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Stitching in 2013

Here we are, in a new year... though it's really just a number that doesn't mean much. I think that people think that years are longer than they actually are. For instance, "20 years" sounds like such a long time, but in reality it's not that long. It goes by so quickly.
Enough of all that. On to the stitching. I appreciate all of the support I've had on Deviant Art. I now have 102 watchers and 4,000 page views. Woo hoo!
One of the things I'll be stitching this year is a charity square (or two) for the Child's Play charity quilt over at Sprite Stitch. I'll be stitching a scene from Pokemon Heartgold, when you talk to Jasmine in the Olivine Gym.
I'm also participating in the Sprite Stitch challenge for Jan/Feb: Portraits. Here is the description: "As the topic title suggests, this challenge is about portraits. I'm sure most people know what a portrait is, but just in case this is what we want: a crafted picture of a character's face/head (you can include neck and shoulders if you wish). Many games already have character portraits in them, which would be totally fine to submit. As would any cropped image of a character." I don't know who I'm stitching, but I do know that I want to do a ridiculously ornate frame around them.
Right now I'm finishing up a Transformers t-shirt for my son. I told him I would stitch anything he wanted, and he picked Bumblebee. It's his head from the original TV show.
I want to work on more necklaces too. I think the next one I do may be Jigglypuff.
I've also been made an official blogger on Sprite Stitch, so occasionally you may see a post from me. I have the task of "Sunday Roundup" on the second Sunday of each month, where I do an update of what's going on in the forums, including who won the challenge for the previous month.
Okay, so that's what I've got going on. Thanks for reading! :D

1 comment:

  1. Nice projects in perspective ! I can't wait to see your Child Play's square ; and your portrait :) (I'll skip this challenge, too many projects on the line...)
